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Recitation and Shruti-natok
শিশুর মনের বিকাশ, শিশুর সহজ কথা, কথার জড়তা কাটানো - এ সবই আবৃত্তি চর্চার মাধ্যমে সম্ভভ। উচ্চারনের পার্থক্য খুঁজে বের করা আর খেলার ছলে তার সঠিক প্রয়োগ শিখে নেওয়া - সেটাও খুব সহজ করে তোলে শ্রুতিমঞ্জরী |
যে শিশু বা কিশোর কথা বলতে সঙ্কোচ বোধ করে, বন্ধু বা শিক্ষকের কাছে কথা বলতে বা প্রশ্ন করতে ভয় পায় , তার সেই জড়তা কাটিয়ে তাকে খোলা মনে কথা বলতে শেখায় শ্রুতিমঞ্জরী।
Poetic expression takes you to a different world with its imaginary wings. At times it makes you understand the reality of life. Poetry is not for poets and poetry lovers, it’s for everyone and it is everywhere. It is capable of affecting any heart.
Poetry and Rhymes enhance the phonemic awareness of a child. They deepen their understanding of the language. It helps improving writing skills, creative thinking, and vocabulary to children. It helps in the development of natural rhythms.
It also helps in the physical development of a child. It helps in breathing coordination, tongue & mouth movements with the help of the musical structure of the rhyme. Rhymes help you understand when to breath & for how long?
Practicing poetry recitations enhances their public speaking skills. Children who have recited poetry in public before are more open to speaking in front of an unknown audience. Early exposure would make the children feel more comfortable with meeting new people and networking.
My children love learning poems for school and reciting them for me and others. They are filled with pride when they have mastered a lengthy poem.
Our Panelist

Manjari Ray
Director and Full time faculty
Experienced Abrittikar for 30+ years, conceptualised ShrutiManjari online Academy, mentored more than 150 students worldwide in Bengali Abritti, Langugae, Shrutinatok and Bengali vocal artforms. She is a certified NLP practitioner from USA and mentor students with special requirements through Poetry Therapy and CBT techniques.

Gaston Dsouza
NLP Panel Lead
Having an experience of 23+ years he shall be responsible for major segments and dimensions relating to N.L.P. practices as follows:
Corporate soft skills
Core life skills
Emotional Intelligence strategies
Personality development
Hand holding exercise
Language proficiency techniques (English)

Debashis Roy
Panel Lead for Workshop
Renowned Abrittikar, President of "Bratyajon" Theatre Group, Former Chief Engineer at Irrigation and Watereways Directorate of Govt of West bengal.

Partha Roy
Panel Lead for Abritti
Having experience of 25+ years in Bengali Abritti and similar experience in Voice over, he has immense expeience about the various aspects of Abritti - voice modulation techniques, presentation, planning and much more. He is renowned Abrittikar and Voice over artist.