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'Sharodiya' | Shubho Dasgupta I Manjari Ray I ShrutiManjari
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Bengali Recitation: Bangla Kobita Abritti: Agamoni r Abahone - Mrinmoyi te Chinmoyi Uma Elo Ghare Poem: Sharadiya Poet: Shubho Dasgupta Mahalaya | Saradiya Bachik Shilpi Manjari Ray - ShrutiManjari
#kobita #manjariray #sharodiya #Durga_Puja #মঞ্জরী_রায় #শারদীয়া #আগমনী #উমা_এল_ঘরে #বাচিকশিল্পী #বাচিক_শিল্পী #মঞ্জরীরায় #শ্রুতিমঞ্জরী #শ্রুতি_মঞ্জরী
Mahalaya | Birendra Bhadra | Mayukh Ranjan Ghosh | Bachik Shilpi Manjari Ray - ShrutiManjari
Birendra Bhadra
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